Cookie policy

Cookies on

This website doesn't embed any advertising or analytics, as a result, no cookies will be permanently stored in your browser. Except: A cookie is required to remember your consent to the EU GDPR dialog prompt. #irony

If you're tired of clicking on those "I agree" buttons all the time, you can install browser plugins that automatically accept cookies for you:

You can read more technical details about cookies below...

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are filed on the hard drive of a device and that contain certain information, which sometimes includes personal data. When you use our Website and/or Services, we then also collect and process other personal information by way of cookies and similar technologies. Read our Privacy Policy if you want to know more.

By clicking “Accept” after you have been notified of the use of cookies and similar technologies, you acknowledge that you have carefully read this Cookie Policy and that you unreservedly agree with it. As explained in this Cookie Policy, you can change your cookie preferences at all times.

Which cookies and why?

The following cookies are stored in your browser for 365 days after your last visit:

name type purpose retention period
cookie-agreed Functional Remember that user agreed to store cookies. 1 year
cookie-agreed-version Functional Remember that user agreed to store cookies. Version of the privacy policy. 1 year
openlife_comment_cookie_agreed Functional Used to determine whether the user accepted the agreement when adding a comment. If accepted, do not show the checkbox again. 1 year

The following cookies are present while you visit the website, but are removed when you close your browser:

name type purpose retention period
apbct_cookies_test Functional

CleanTalk Spam Protect: to check if cookies can be placed.

Functional Used to determine whether the user accepted the agreement when adding a comment. If accepted, do not show the checkbox again. 1 year
apbct_timestamp Functional Used to prevent spam in comments and forms, it also acts as a comprehensive anti-spam solution. More information at: Session
ct_check_js Functional Used to prevent spam in comments and forms, it also acts as a comprehensive anti-spam solution. More information at: Session
ct_fkp_timestamp Functional Used in order to detect spam and improve the website's security. Does not store visitor specific data. More information at: Session
ct_pointer_data Functional Used in order to detect spam and improve the website's security. Does not store visitor specific data. More information at: Session
ct_ps_timestamp Functional Used in order to detect spam and improve the website's security. Does not store visitor specific data. More information at: Session
ct_timezone Functional Used to prevent spam in comments and forms, it also acts as a comprehensive anti-spam solution. More information at: Session

You can prevent cookies from being stored or remove cookies already stored by adjusting the settings in your browser. You find help to adjust these settings on the website of the browser that you use.

If you have a complaint regarding our processing of your personal data, you can always contact us at the following email address  webmaster [at]

You can delete the EU cookie we have stored by clicking this link.

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