
OSI State of the Source 2020: In Defense of Extreme Copyleft

The Open Source Initiative recently organized its first conference: State of the Source 2020. I presented a talk In Defense of Extreme Copyleft, where I explored the boundaries of current network copyleft licenses and potential need for further - carefully deliberated - expansion of copyleft licensing.

Video x2: Measuring performance variability of EC2

I was recently invited to speak at Fwdays Highload in Kyiv. This was my first ever visit to Ukraine, so I was excited to go and visit this large and beautiful European capital. Over a thousand years ago Vikings would row their boats through the rivers in Russia, and take the Dniepr southward to Kyiv and ultimately Turkey. It was exciting to travel in the footsteps of my forefathers.

My talk isn't really MongoDB specific, rather about an EC2 performance tuning project we did in 2017:

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