What's in a database storage engine

I overheard - over-read, really - an internet discussion about database storage engines. The discussion was about what functionality is considered part of a storage engine, and what functionality is in the common parts of the database server. My first reaction was something like "how isn't this obvious?" Then I realized for a lot of the database functionality it isn't obvious at all and the answer really is that it could be either way.

Oracle's 10 commitments to MySQL - a 5 year review

Last week passed the 5th anniversary of the closing of Oracle's acquisition of MySQL. That also means that the 5 year term of the infamous 10 commitments to MySQL users that Oracle made to the EU commission expire.

Since I work for another database technology nowadays, I have made a point of not blogging about MySQL related issues anymore (and mostly do not follow MySQL close enough to say anything wise). But in 2009 I was so closely involved in the EU investigation into the Oracle-Sun merger, that I feel this is a topic I could write a retrospective on. For nostalgic reasons if nothing else... In any case, these commitments have very little practical relevance in 2015 anyway, so anything in this blog post is clearly more historical than about current state of anything in MySQL land.

pt-query-digest for MongoDB profiler logs

One of my favorite MySQL tools ever is pt-query-digest. It's the tool you use to generate a report of your slow query log (or some other supported sources), and is similar to for example the Query Analyzer in MySQL Enterprise Monitor. Especially in the kind of job I am, where I often just land out of nowhere on a server at the customer site, and need to quickly get an overview of what is going on, this tool is always the first one I run. I will show some examples below.

OSCON2013: Slides and files for High Availability in MySQL tutorial

Good afternoon Oscon attendees - in particular attendees of my High Availability in MySQL tutorial!

Attached you can find a spreadsheet (both LibreOffice, Excel) that we will use at the end of the tutorial. You can also download the slides, in case you wish to browse them at your own pace.

5 years of MySQL

5 years of MySQL

People often write a blog post when they reach some nice anniversary since they joined MySQL community. Well, for those old enough it usually means when they joined MySQL AB as employee. For me this was January 2008. Because I didn't remember the month correctly, I haven't blogged anything then, but decided to save it for a better opportunity - now.

TL;DR Starting this week I will be working for 10gen, selling MongoDB to the Nordics. This blog post is really long - even then it doesn't contain the most interesting stories, I'm not sure if they can ever be published. Sorry for the length, but remember you don't need to read all at once. This is my last MySQL post so save some of it for cold winter days!

2008 - Sun acquisition

Showing my support

One of the greatest things with working in the MySQL community has been to meet so many people and travel in different countries and cultures. In my last blog post I mentioned how I learned that in Southern Europe it is considered offensive to go too early to meet your customer. As the customer is expecting you to come later than agreed (everyone always does), if you show up too early you are taking away time that he was expecting to still use to prepare for the meeting.

Slides from Failover or not Failover, that is the question

Below are the slides from my last talk at this Percona Live Worldwide MySQL Conference. The idea for this talk was proposed by my co-presenter Massimo Brignoli and goes back to a debate on this topic that went through the MySQL blogosphere during last Autumn - which in itself was sparked by an outstanding retrospective published about a MySQL failure at Github.

Slides from Spatial functions in MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 5.5, PostGIS 2.0 and others at Percona Live

Slides from my Percona Live talk evaluating the new spatial features in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 are now online. This is new material I have never presented before. It is based on work I have done in my job at Nokia location services. So even if at this conference it draws less attention than my HA talks, it is actually what I'm most proud of to present.

TL;DR summary is that PostgreSQL has lots of features but MySQL has much better ease of use and performance. (I copy paste this standard sentence into any PostgreSQL vs MySQL evaluation I do :-) The MongoDB info is basically outdated, as the new 2.4 release introduces completely new implementation based on GeoJSON, new indexing, neither of which I tested.

MySQL Community Awards 2013 - And the winners are...

MySQL Community Awards 2013 were announced earlier today at the MySQL Conference & Expo...


It's time again to award persons, applications and companies in the MySQL Community. This is an annual tradition to highlight and give appreciation to some of the things that make MySQL so great.

The first awards were given out in 2005, and since 2010 the winners have been chosen by a community panel of which myself and Shlomi Noach are the co-secretaries. There has been a public nomination period in January and the final voting is done by a panel who are themselves former winners of the award.

The first category is

MySQL Community Awards: Community Contributor of the Year 2013

The first winner is...

Jeremy Cole

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