
My conference talks on Youtube

My kids watch a lot of youtube. They follow the famous Finnish youtubers every week. At some point my son had realized there are many videos on youtube with his father doing conference talks. Some of them have a thousand viewers. I've never gotten so much adoration and respect from my son as that day!

I've created a playlist of all my conference talks that have been published on youtube.

Video x2: Measuring performance variability of EC2

I was recently invited to speak at Fwdays Highload in Kyiv. This was my first ever visit to Ukraine, so I was excited to go and visit this large and beautiful European capital. Over a thousand years ago Vikings would row their boats through the rivers in Russia, and take the Dniepr southward to Kyiv and ultimately Turkey. It was exciting to travel in the footsteps of my forefathers.

My talk isn't really MongoDB specific, rather about an EC2 performance tuning project we did in 2017:

impress.js HowTo: Slides over a background image

A common and IMO cool way to create impress.js presentations, is to use some large background image for the entire presentation, then layout each slide over it. One of my first impress.js presentation was Selling Open Source 101 for Oscon 101. The presentation is inside a picture of a woman selling all kinds of stuff in a bazaar.

Next week I will present something about EC2 at HighLoad++ conference, and my presentation is flying over some clouds, of course.

Impress.js: Community contributions is so much fun!

During June-July I had pretty much completed adding the features that I myself had in mind impress.js (as you might have read on this blog back then). Some of those features of course had been asked for multiple times by others as well, in particular the ability to define slide positions relative to the previous slide, was a popular request, with several pull requests proposing it as well. Now that I've added such a plugin, I have to say it is indeed much more convenient way of authoring presentations.

Authoring Impress.js presentations in Markdown

With the Euro Cup 2016 done, evenings can again be spent contributing to my favorite open source project: The impress.js presentation framework. In the series of blog posts about my additions to it, it is now time to unveil a feature I added by popular request: Markdown support.

Thanks again to the power of open source, this was easy to add. By integrating Markdown.js as an extra addon, you can now type Markdown instead of HTML in each impress.js step:

Creating Impress.js presentations in colored JSON with Highlight.js

Last month I wrote about impress.js, and how I've started using it for my presentations. This has been going well, and during the past month I've actually given 2 more presentations using impress.js:

Dreams and fears of a database consultant
MongoDB and GIS

(You really have to click those links, embedding these presentations wouldn't make them justice!)

Upgrading to more impressive presentations: impress.js

In terms of using an open source desktop, Sun releasing OpenOffice some 15 (?) years ago was an important milestone, comparable to Mozilla finally managing to produce a working browser in Firefox. It provided essentially feature parity with Microsoft office, and most importantly, decent compatibility with Microsoft's own proprietary file formats.

I've used OpenOffice, and now LibreOffice, for lots of non-trivial tasks, including writing a complete book. Sure, the UI toolkit was stuck in the 90's, and Sun wasn't really a good steward in pushing the code base into this century, but it did work.

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