MongoDB & Node.js events in Stockholm, Aug 26

Monday, Aug 26 will be an exciting day if you live around Stockholm and are interested in MongoDB, Node.js or just open source and web programming or anything in this direction.

In the morning, from 9:00 to 12:00 I will be doing MongoDB office hours. This is an "ask the expert(s)" type of free community consulting thing we do regularly at 10gen. You can come and discuss your MongoDB application, architecture or just basic questions. First come, first served. Please RSVP at

In the evening we will have a combined MongoDB & Node.js meetup. And wow, this will be the biggest and coolest meetup I have ever been to or heard about. We have rented the biggest conference room at Scandic Sergel Plaza. It takes 200 people and I expect it to be packed full, so go and grab one of those last seats if you want to join us:

This is a joint meetup with the Node.js user group, so you can also RSVP in the Node.js meetup page. Please only RSVP to one group, not both!

Peder Burenstam Linder from Advisa (aka Svensk Lånemarknad) will talk about their migration from a MySQL and Ruby stack to the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js and Node.js).

The event is hosted by 10gen, the MongoDB company. Sandwiches, drinks and coffee/tea will be available.

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