MySQL User Group Helsinki, Feb 7, Monty and MariaDB

Hi again

It's time to announce the next Helsinki MySQL User Group which is on February 8 at 18:00. Venue is Solinor's meeting and sauna facilities in North Haaga:

By popular request, Monty will be sharing news about MariaDB, after which there is the usual food, beverages, sauna and socializing.

The organizers would really appreciate it if you could RSVP at the meetup request above. Last time the place was already packed and now with this kind of superstar speaker the hosts want to make sure they book an appropriate room and enough food. (Seems there's already 20+ going!)

See you there!

Andrew Moore (not verified)

Wed, 2012-01-11 22:02

The Helsinki meetup is well hosted by the sound of things Henrik. I'm wondering if I can fund a trip to Finland to talk synchronous replication in the sauna?! ;-)

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