open life blog

OSI State of the Source 2020: In Defense of Extreme Copyleft

The Open Source Initiative recently organized its first conference: State of the Source 2020. I presented a talk In Defense of Extreme Copyleft, where I explored the boundaries of current network copyleft licenses and potential need for further - carefully deliberated - expansion of copyleft licensing.

What's in a database storage engine

I overheard - over-read, really - an internet discussion about database storage engines. The discussion was about what functionality is considered part of a storage engine, and what functionality is in the common parts of the database server. My first reaction was something like "how isn't this obvious?" Then I realized for a lot of the database functionality it isn't obvious at all and the answer really is that it could be either way.

Microverse guest lecture: How to build a career working in Open Source (and also remotely)

In 8th grade, our home economics class got an assignment to create a scrapbook describing our adult life. Students would cut and paste - I mean literally, with scissors - pictures from magazines to create a portfolio with their 3 bedroom houses, one or two cars, a dog, and so on.

I of course did it a bit differently. I spent hours drawing a log cabin that my future family would live in. The cabin was in the wilderness in Lapland, where I operated some tourism related company as a family business. This was a few years before I would hear about the internet, or own a cell phone. But in my dream future I used a fax and satellite phone to operate my business. Btw, it was also years before I heard the word "startup" :-D

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